The Aims of the Tyne Anglers Alliance

(hereafter referred to as the TAA are as follows): -

1. To act as a voice for all coarse anglers and coarse/mixed angling clubs between the Tees and Tweed. The TAA will not be an active angling club in itself but merely a body for the collective opinions/views of its member clubs..
2. To provide both information and opinions to the Fisheries Department of the Environment Agency, who will in turn furnish the TAA with information, and opportunities to give our viewpoints, after consultation amongst member clubs regarding future policies, angling rules, & pollution cases.
3. To ensure this is successful, each member club will provide at least one chosen delegate to represent their club/association's views and report back faithfully on all relevant issues.
4. To promote and open a dialogue and exchange of views between all of the coarse angling fraternity situated between the Tees and Tweed, and actively encourage comradeship etc between member clubs.
5. To help, by means of introduction etc, to promote such inter club events as match angling and junior participation with a specific interest of furthering angling education.
6. To help co-operate on such issues as fish stocking and to create a dialogue between clubs when fish stocks are needing to be purchased, in order to get a better deal for all.
7. To help promote and encourage the sport of coarse angling to such bodies as Local Councils and like Public Bodies such as Northumbrian Water Authority etc, where the issue of coarse angling is not reaching it's full potential.
8. To stop any one club gaining exclusive advantage of past "open" waters the TAA will on such occasions take out a lease to fish directly with the owners, in order that all member clubs will enjoy such fishing. Each club will be expected to help periodically with work parties and bailiffing on such waters and no matches should be booked with6ut notice and agreement of the other clubs in order that the date of the match is well known in advance.
9. The TAA will also feed and inform member clubs of any relevant press publication or announcement that may affect the quality of local fishing. It will also spread the word of any open matches, junior teach-ins etc that are not member only event and are open to all.
10. An annual fee will be decided by the member clubs at the Annual General Meeting yearly.
11. 11. The TAA will, on occasion, use any funding it may have to promote fisheries by purchasing stock, or other events deemed to be good causes, only after the full agreement by the member clubs.

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©Tyne Anglers Alliance 2003-2019